
HR matters matter! That is the lesson learned today from 3 leading ladies in the HR field.

Inke Daems, AG Insurance, zoomed in on Recruitment and Selection with a special focus on Risk Managers. Inke pointed out that there is a clear shift in what employers are looking for. Where in the past a broad knowledge was an asset, nowadays a more pointed know-how in a specialized field is required. However, one mustn’t forget that knowledge learned today may be completely outdated in ten years’ time (or less). Lifelong learning, therefore, is the key. Networking is essential in the search for vacancies as not all open positions are made public. Job searchers should be aware that employers scan the social media such as LinkedIn – and Facebook – to get a general idea of the candidates. Use these networks carefully is the message. What is essential to get the job of your dreams is to know what you want and what you are good at,  to be motivated, to fit in with the company culture, to learn fast, and to be communicative.
Shirley Minet, Asquare Partners, spoke about the current hypes of Coaching and Mentoring. Many people are tempted to find a coach or a mentor, without realizing which is which and what would suit them best. Coaching is about stretching your capacities by having someone else to help you reflect upon yourself. Tickle yourself and it won’t make you laugh. That’s why another person can help you take a different angle, offer another perspective. It can help you do what you have been doing for a long time in quite a different (better) way. It can be a preventive measure where you take time to reconsider your priorities and look at your potential for growth. Mentoring on the other hand is a way of getting fed by the experience of another person. We often see two-way generational mentoring where the older generation will be able to offer experience and the younger generation will offer technical know-how for example. Again the importance of networking is stressed as this can lead to finding the right coach or mentor.
Brigitte Hudlot, ICHEC Formation continue, stressed the need for lifelong learning and continued training. The specific competencies needed on the market and the general structure of our educational system are not in line (e.g. need for a global approach whereas school faculties are organised in silos). Specialised training and courses are available in all shapes and colours. This field is in full evolution. On the web, plenty of opportunities can be found to develop your knowledge and skills. Employees should carefully consider their needs and choices and employers who offer extra training to their staff should help look for the adequate courses that fit in with the company’s culture. Brigitte also stressed the importance of Professional Associations that offer platforms to their members for the exchange of experience at first hand. Today’s session is a nice example.
After these enlightening talks, all participants were invited to a sandwich lunch where three round tables awaited them on Recruitment & Selection, Coaching & Mentoring and Learning & Networking.
As this Ladies Mind Risks session was prepared in partnership with ASquare Partners  (David Weemaels), one of BELRIM’s new partners, the attendance was also composed of HR specialists from the insurance industry; this allowed even more discussions between BELRIM and HR participants.
The networking part was immediately put into practice and Sabine Desantoine, ING, and Catherine Van Cauwelaert, EUROCLEAR, who organized this 3rd edition of Ladies Mind Risks can look back on a nice success.

Slides Inke Daems

Slides Brigitte Hudlot


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