
This exchange will be hosted by skeyes, the autonomous public company that serves as the Belgian air traffic control agency, located at Steenokkerzeel

A great in-person event with some remarkable speakers Sandra Gobert (Executive Director at Guberna Belgium ), Regine Slagmulder (Professor Vlerick Management School Belgium & Insead), Alfonso Natale (Partner McKinsey Italy) and Maribel Tejada (Associate Partner at Risk Dynamics, part of McKinsey France) – moderated by our Board Member Adriana Cavaliere (Head of Risk skeyes) from a skeyes perspective.

You will be welcomed by Peggy Devestel, Chief Operating Officer of skeyes and after the panel presentation skeyes will offer you the opportunity to enjoy a great view from the Tower and discover how skeyes secures safe flights, an opportunity not to be missed!

The current era is increasingly defined by the interplay of complex disruptions, with their disparate origins and long-term consequences. Institutions are not fully prepared for the new reality, often reacting separately to each disruption. This position is untenable and organizations are finding that their current risk management practices must evolve to suit this new environment.

Challenges are multiple. Companies are facing on a daily basis the consequences of macro-economic uncertainties, climate change, geopolitical unrest and digital (r)evolution. The pandemic thought us that resilience is more than crisis  management. The ability to recover quickly is key but recovery alone is not an adequate goal. Truly resilient organizations bounce back better and even thrive.

Leaders are now discussing resilience as the essential condition but this requires an integrated vision on risk, strategy and leadership throughout all layers of the organisation, starting at its top level.

During this unique Exchange, you will get interesting insights and have the opportunity to raise questions you haven’t asked before regarding the next step towards future proof risk management, your instrument for sustainable value creation.

  1. Sustainable value-oriented governance: the need for a collaborative approachSandra Gobert
  • The third wave of governance is questioning the role of companies in society
  • ESG regulation adds a layer of complexity
  • ESG is more than reporting
  • From duty to report to duty to act: sustainable value creation
  • Boards@work in a collaborative model between governance actors

2. A strategic perspective on risk oversight – Regine Slagmulder

  • Need to integrate risk & strategy at senior management and board level
  • Important to focus not only on short-term operational risk management (strategy execution), but also on opportunity-driven strategic risk management (new strategy development);
  • Organizations must find a good balance between establishing a formal risk oversight organization & procedures and nurturing the right risk culture across the organization
  • Shift from risk to resilience thinking: Resilience goes beyond risk management and is about learning to embrace change in an uncertain environment

3. From risk to corporate resilience – Alfonso Natale, Maribel Tejada

  • Corporate resilience as an essential condition for corporations to thrive
  • Evolution of risk management to corporate resilience
  • Risk management as a priority within top management’s agenda



Welcome from 13:15h
14:00h Opening by Peggy Devestel, COO chief operations officer skeyes.
14:30h Keynote sessions
16:00h skeyes visit & networking
18:00h End of the event


Registration & practical information

To reserve your seat for this in-person event at skeyes in Steenokkerzeel, Belgium on March 30th 2023, you can register until the 20th of March.

Once you have registered, we will provide you with additional practical information on how to enter the skeyes buildings.

This in-person event is for all of our members. If you are not a member yet, you can request an invitation.

All members of BELRIM are invited to participate in this fascinating Exchange.
We hope to see you there!



Belrim-Presentation Regine Slagmulder

Belrim – presentation Guberna

Belrim – presentation McKinsey




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