
“There cannot be a crisis today. My agenda is already full” said Henri Kissinger And what about our Risk and Insurance Managers?

Just over 40 BELRIM members wanted to put their knowledge on crisis management to the test and attended the exchange/workshop organized by Sonia Cambier (Solvay) and Catherine Van Cauwelaert (Euroclear).

After a well-structured overview of both companies’ crisis plans the attendees were invited to take part in a role play on how to cope with a fictitious crisis.

It was an interesting exercise where human and business aspects had to be carefully taken into account, where the importance of efficient internal and external communication was underlined, evidencing that crisis management is about teamwork and meticulous preparation, empathy and word choice, creating and respecting guidelines and lots and lots of practice. As BELRIM’s president stated: to be prepared at all times for all kinds of situations is the key factor here.

After the roundup, Solvay who hosted the event, invited everyone to a networking drink.

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