
Every year, at the beginning of September, BELRIM invites its new members in order to get to know them better, to listen to their expectations and to present the association to them. We were happy to welcome Jeroen Ascoop of Puratos, Philippe Bormans of Ziegler, Evy Claeys of Claeys Expertises, Isabelle Haenecour of SPGE, Filip Hons of Engie, Wout Van Den Abbeele of Vonck Expertises, Philippe Smans of Ichec. We hope they have many opportunities to take part in our activities.

This time Julien Bedouche of FERMA was our keynote speaker to introduce the Rimap programme, which is the European Certification by which FERMA sets a standard in Risk Management and evaluates candidates according to a Body of Knowledge, Experience, Continuous Professional Development and Code of Ethics. More information can be found on the website: http://rimap-certified.org

At the FERMA Seminar in MALTA, Risk Managers will be able to take the Rimap exam at no extra cost. Watch the teaser here.

Photos of the event are available in the Gallery (log on to have access).


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