2015-05-25 17.53.21

Malou joined BELRIM in 1998 and became a Board Member in 2010. She represented AGC (ex-GLAVERBEL), first as Deputy Risk Manager, later as its Risk Manager.

The added value for her company to be a BELRIM member was clearly to meet peers and to be able to discuss specific situations with risk professionals. She helped organise several exchanges on diverse topics.

Her best souvenir from her time with BELRIM is the Belgian Evening in Maastricht.
After having worked for 46 years, Malou is retired since 1st January 2015. She’s planned a few trips to destress, is preparing to move and is looking forward to a bright future.

Malou would recommend all members to participate in the organisation of exchanges for BELRIM. It’s the perfect way to enlarge one’s knowledge of risks and consequently to improve one’s skills as a risk or insurance manager.

The BELRIM Board thanks Malou for her many years of support and wishes her many happy years to come.

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