Climate Change ?   …More precisely ?

Climate change cannot leave us indifferent.

Of course we spontaneously think of it on a human scale and for a short or medium duration, but on a global and economic scale we should look at the medium and even (very) long term (>100 years).

The inherent risks of this climate change are in the best case little known, in the worst case completely unknown!

Everyone, insurers/reinsurers, companies, politicians … will need to evaluate their own risks ! 

But where to find credible information??? It is so often dispersed !

Access to scientifically coherent information, which is coordinated and certified at the same time, is vital but not always easy to find….

Therefore, a federal initiative has launched the « Federal Climate Centre ».

How so ?

By consolidating, expertising and coordinating – at a federal level – all scientific information available from various organisations:

  • Meteorology (IRM),
  • Observatory of Belgium (ORB),
  • Spatial Aeronomy (IASB),
  • Natural Sciences (IRSNB),
  • Museum of Central Africa (MRAC)

According to their specific needs, these coordinated data will be put at the disposal of the users – for personalized use – through this « Federal Climate Centre »

This Belgian initiative complies with a European/International requirement concerning Crisis Management.

For more information please contact:

Dominique Fonteyn PhD


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