
Risks affecting organisations can impact economic performance and professional reputation, as well as environmental, safety and societal outcomes. Fortunately, risk management can help organisations perform well in an environment fraught with uncertainty.

The standard ISO 31000:2009, Risk management – Principles and guidelines, provides principles, a framework and a process for managing risk. Would you like to find out how you can benefit from this framework?

REGISTER NOW for the BELRIM & NBN event on 16 February, from 2-5 pm in Brussels.

Attend this unique event

You will:

  • discover the benefits of management standards for risk managers
  • identify the improvements and added value of ISO 31000
  • learn how to navigate the evolving risk landscape through management by standards
  • be able to network with peers
  • have the time to ask questions and give feedback

Adriana Cavaliere (Enterprise Risk Management professional and a member of the Board of Directors of BELRIM, the Belgian Risk Management Association), Gaëtan Lefèvre (Chairman of the BELRIM Board of Directors), Alain Maes (Senior Consultant at ECN Emergence Consulting Network of ‎BDO Public Sector) and myself will lead the event.

Check out the programme here.

When and where?

The event will be held on Thursday 16 February from 2 pm until 5 pm at the Van der Valk Hotel Brussels Airport (Culliganlaan 4b, 1831 Diegem).
PS Attend the risk management event and learn about the benefits of standards. Places are limited!


Van der Valk Hotel Brussels Airport (Culliganlaan 4b, 1831 Diegem)

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