
A wide variety of occurrences can impact your organisation’s economic performance and professional reputation, and have environmental, safety and societal outcomes. Establishing an effective risk management system should be a priority for every organization, regardless of its size or activities.

The ISO 31000 Risk management – Principles and guidelines provides a framework to help organisations create and evaluate a well-performing risk management system. An NBN expert panel on Risk Management is currently reviewing the update of the ISO 31000.

Curious about what it means to be an expert? Find out all about it during a lunch meeting with enterprise risk management professional Adriana Cavaliere on Tuesday April 25th.

Why participate?

As a contributor to this standard, you:

  • influence the content of ISO 31000;
  • gain an early understanding of any upcoming changes so you can prepare yourself;
  • enhance your credibility among your stakeholders and customers;
  • have ample opportunity to network with influential stakeholders in the industry.

Hurry up, there are only a few seats left!

We are looking forward to welcoming you on April 25th. Questions? Just contact Maureen Gillet at 02/738.01.02.


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