
For our Ladies Mind Risk, BELRIM has invited Elke Jeurissen, who is Entrepreneur, Community Builder (Inclusive Leaders Connect, Straffe Madammen, 72Hours Reload), co-author of 2 books, (step)mum of 5.

Elke believes that a diverse, inclusive professional world stimulates innovation, performance, personal growth and talent. She breathes this every day and embraces all initiatives – academic, political, economic, media and social – that serve her purpose. Diversity is a growth opportunity for society. And for every company. But it takes inclusive leadership to make it work.

One of the keys to success is leadership and developing an inclusive corporate culture.
Given her strategic and hands-on expertise, she likes to contribute by engaging with leaders in all disciplines who share the same ambition, continue to question themselves – like she does -, are fascinated by the power of diversity in all its aspects and want to move the business world forward. Every day a diverse step forward, together.

Besides inspiring people with her keynotes, she gives interactive workshops in-person and online, strategy journeys & builds communities.

Her solutions for inclusive leadership are based on best practices around the globe and the real-life experience of hundreds of leaders. Elke recently succeeded in the INSEAD Gender Diversity Program and is co-author of the book ‘Who run the world, the power of female leadership’ and frequently shares her expertise in different media.

Women develop their full potential in her Fierce Ladies Tribe. She is Co-Founder of 72Hours Reload – unique experiences & encounters – and Founder of the Straffe Madammen network. Throughout her professional career in stakeholder engagement, corporate communications, public relations and public affairs, she had the pleasure to work with many leaders in the political, media, academic and business arena. Elke shared her vision on more than 100 conference stages.

Find out more about Elke on her website.
We are looking forward to an inspiring session. Come and join us!

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