On 19 September 2013, a full day was dedicated to Claims Management.

There was a panel discussion with Adrian Ladbury (CRE), Gaëtan Lefèvre (CMI), Andrew Walker (AIG) and Bob Vermeiren and Ruth Saeys (Cunningham Lindsey Belgium) followed by two keynote speakers.

Yves Botterman (Steptoe & Johnson LLP) talked about private antitrust litigation in the EU and Julien Bedhouche (FERMA) gave an overview of collective redress in Europe.

After lunch, Franck Grimonpont (Suez Environment), Vladimir Rostan d’Ancezune (HMN & Partners) and Dominique Sevelle (ACS) taught us some lessons from an Anglo-Saxon litigation in Australia.

John Kelly (AIG) and Andrew Neale (Crawford & Company) presented a commercial property case study.

Finally, Carl Leeman (Katoen Natie) joined the Q&A session and made an overview you can read here in a few keypoints.

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