
We are delighted to invite you to BELRIM’s third “Ladies Mind Risk” event, on 21 January 2016, organised this time in partnership with Asquare Partners, a global recruitment and executive search firm specialised in the financial industry, and BELRIM’s newest exclusive partner.

During our first two exchanges, executive women active in risk management shared their personal views on how they reached senior-level positions and joined top management.

This 2016 Ladies Mind Risk edition will focus on the tools which can help risk managers progress within their career. These tools will be discussed and seen under three different angles: Recruitment, Coaching & Mentoring, and Learning & Networking.

This event will be organised in 2 parts:

  1. academic presentations made by experts of the subjects
  2. informal exchanges between these experts and attendees

The objective of this event is to come out of this exchange with concrete tips and ideas on how to positively develop our careers, by applying these tools in our professional environment. We encourage participants to bring their CVs and any questions they may have for our speakers.
As usual, we will start at noon and finish at 2 PM, with a light lunch in between. We are convinced, based on the two past experiences that your dynamic participation will highly contribute to the success of this exchange.


Our Speakers:


Inke Daems

CV Inke Daems

Shirley Minet

CV Shirley Minet

Brigitte Hudlot

CV Brigitte Hudlot

Head of Business HR & Talent Psychologist & Talent Development Advisor Director
 AG Insurance  Asquare  ICHEC


Practical Details:


Date:                    Thursday 21 January 2016, 12.00 – 14.00

Location:              AG Insurance (Auditorium), Rue du Pont-Neuf 17, 1000 Brussels

Contact:               Ann De Wilde, Assistant to the Board – 0473 81 60 09 – info@belrim.com




  • Desantoine Sabine


AG Insurance (Auditorium), Rue du Pont-Neuf 17, 1000 Brussels

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